Sunday, June 28, 2009

Are Asian women really attracted to Western men?

[Photo: Source]

Yesterday I had a debate with a fellow blogger Jerine about Western men and Asian women. It all started when I said that while I was in Malaysia and Singapore, I got a lot of comments from girls who said I was handsome. These were mostly friends of my ex-girlfriend. And when I received these compliments, I always felt they were sincere. I'm not saying I heard these compliments every day or so, it was just few. But still more than you hear them here in the West from our Western girls. Of course I was also complementing some women there and when I said it, I meant it. But yesterday Jerine told me (who is Chinese Malaysian) that the girls there just say it, but don't actually mean it. Is it maybe something like when someone in USA asks you Hey, how are you doin? and he actually does not want to know how you are really doing, it's just a figure of speech. If in Europe we ask How are you? we're really interested how someone is and if we say to someone You are beautiful! we really mean it. I'm not really used to those meaningless compliments and I'm sure Jerine has a point. She's living there, I'm sure she observed girls giving compliments to Western guys and didn't really mean it. I'm sure it happens vice-versa as well. But a while ago, I had a similar discussions with a Caucasian friend (who is living in Singapore) and he also noticed that he got more compliments from girls in Asia than from his fellow American girls in his homecountry. I mean, how come there are so many couples interracial relationships between Western men and Asian women? You can see some Asian guys with Western girls, but it's much rarer. When it comes to my personal opinion, why I deem some Southeast Asian women attractive, I'd say it's purely superficial. Why do some prefer blondes over brunettes? It's really hard to understand why someone prefers a certain type of partners. Actually, why would that matter anyway? If you love someone truly, there's nothing wrong with any preference. But of course, people judgmental and opinionated, especially when it comes to interracial relationships. People easily stick a fetish tag on you, even, if they don't know you, your background and your opinions. In reality interracial relationships are not what most people imagine. I know that, because I had 2 relationships with 2 Asian girls. Once the initial phase (of being in love) fades away, you face the same challenges like any other relationships. Sure, some things are different, like the cultural things, the mindset, how you're perceived by the environment. But if you're adaptable (like me), than this should be no problem. If you want to date an Asian woman, don't have unreal expectations, because all the stereotypes are not true. Each woman is unique, her own character. Your relationship will be like any relationship, with ups and downs and issues to deal with. Well, besides the sexual attraction, many Western men think Asian women are more loyal than the ones in the West. That may be true in some cases, but nowadays there's no assurance that this will be the case. Maybe some 50-60 years ago there was some truth in that, but these days many young Asian girls just break with their traditions and are very independent. Even cheating on guys is not uncommon. I've heard about a lot of cases when I was in Malaysia. But Asia is very diverse, so I can only speak for where I used to live, Malaysia and Singapore.
Well, I do wonder why Western men attract Asian women? Even Jerine said, that there was so many Western guys dating Asian women in her circle of friends. And if you go to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, you will see many interracial couples of this sort. Maybe it's the stereotype of the stronger masculinity (often portrayed in the media), that attracts them? Is it the so many White sport, music, movie stars who portray a positive image of White men? Is it the stereotype that we are all rich? Well, I don't know, that's open to discussion. All I know is, that the compliments I received were felt as sincere, but maybe that's just because of me. And of course all this is just my rambling, that may not make much sense to some of you. But anyway, what's your take on the whole issue?

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