Monday, January 11, 2010

My resolutions for 2010

Or the things I hope to accomplish in 2010.

Time flies! Wow! I can't believe how fast it goes. Do you also have that weird feeling where you're not really used to the new year? 2010. I can't relate to this number yet. Maybe because 2009 was so eventful and full of changes. And 2010 so far is just boring, cold and full of snow. And that's how I feel these days: Bored, empty, have no particular ideas what to do or what to say [or blog...].

And so I played around with Photoshop in my previous post and asked all of you, how you would interpret that image. Guess what, I had no idea what I was trying to say. I was so random. But I must say you guys were very creative and really inspired me with your interpretations. I liked the one from Adamantixx the most, when he said: Your blog began in a small and quiet way, the ? signifying your beginnings and each new stage sees you getting bigger, bolder and better! I do think that's part of blogging, beginning, growth and improvement! Yay! But if [*huge stress on if] my creation is art, then of course, it can have many interpretations, so all of you are right in your own way and get a big thank you from me. You guys are awesome [*also because such a random post generated comments, hehe].

But one of you seems to know me most. That's my friend Shirley. She totally nailed it, when she said: What I really really see, is a very bored Nino :P or a crazy one. not sure! It's amazing how well your readers can know you :-)

Ok, enough about that. I actually wanted to write my resolutions for 2010, since everyone's doing it. My friend Manju inspired me with her lovely post [here] and since I don't have any ideas, I decided to write about my hopes, dreams and plans for this year. Most of these things will happen, some may not, but that's ok. As many of you may know by now, I've met a wonderful girl last year and we've been chatting and getting to know each other for many months and eventually we fell in love. I plan to meet her next month [*romantic, huh?] in Taiwan, her homecountry, work there and be with her. So it's no surprise, that all my resolutions are related to her and that wonderful Asian country. Here's what I want to do this year:

Fly to Taiwan, stay and work there the whole year.

Do a good job and have a good and interesting life in Taipei.

Have great new relationship with many happy moments.

Make new friends and be accepted by my dear's parents.

Travel across Taiwan, explore many parts of the country.

Spend my 30th birthday on top of Taipei 101.

Buy my own set of mahjong and find people to play with.

Save money every month, even if just a little.

Make my blog grow, keep current readers and attract new ones.

Do a Vlog in Mandarin and also have more Taiwanese followers.

Learn enough Mandarin to be able to have normal conversations.

Try new food in Taiwan [stuff I never tried] and blog about it.

Have a short trip to Tokyo [but that's probably gonna happen in 2011]

One day watch movies all night and eat yummy food with my girl.

Learn from past mistakes and be strong when facing criticism.

Be able to say it was one of the best years of my life on Dec 31.

Wow, will I really be living in this awesome city?
How do you like my resolutions? :-)
[Photo: Source]

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