Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama won the Nobel peace prize!

This was just wow! Barack Obama won the Nobel peace prize 2009! I happened to watch it live on TV, when they announced it and I pride myself as being the first who broke the news on Twitter (I'm so FOM, I know, hehe). Anyway, the initial reactions on Twitter were funny, like: "What did he do???" Duh! Imagine Sarah Palin near the Oval office? Ok, joking aside, let's see some tweets:

  • PepeEdwardson WTH! US President Obama received Nobel Peace Prize???? No year in oval office and....? Whtas Wrong Sweden!?
  • Syler_mi4 #Obama is first US President to win a nobel prize while still in office. not to mention that he hasnt completed a year in office.
  • Karmapriya U.S. President Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy.
  • karr1 Why O Why did we give #Obama a #Nobel price? He hasn't done anything special yet, has he?
  • kimbabim Obama just won the Nobel peace prize? Wow. Crazy. Didn't expect that at all. Isn't that a little early? #obama #nobelprize
  • mainewolfie CNN Breaking news - President Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. FOR DOING WHAT??

My point of view:
First of all, who cares why? Seriously. It's not Obama's "fault" to get this award. If you have complaints, send them via Oslo. If I was American, I would be proud. I mean, it won't hurt your country, will it? It can only make your image abroad better. You were pretty much hated by all over the world during Bush's 2 terms. Plus this award may be like a reminder for Obama to keep his promises and end wars and don't start new wars and to engage in peace efforts in Israel, Darfur and elsewhere in the world. It's a good signal. But I can imagine the rightwingers freaking out and finding new ways to mock Obama.

Anyway, congratulations mr. President and congratulations USA.

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